Event Phone: 0829241328
- Virtuosity Games 19.1
July 20, 2019
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
A multi-disciplinary team event that incorporates elements of functional fitness
Suitable for all fitness levels.
Three catogories:
Rx (Elite), Scaled and Open Scaled (athletes own ability)
Teams of 3, any mix.
Minimum age of Elite athletes: 16 years
Minimum age of Scaled athletes: 12 years
There will be a separate kids event for kids under 12.
Entry fees are a donation of upto R250 per person (R750 for a team of 3) plus at least one item (e.g. a jar of peanut butter or a bottle of dishwashing liquid) from the “wish list”. Wish list items are to be handed in at registration. In lieu of a cash donation, donations can be made in kind.
All teams must register before the closing date of registrations.
Maximum cash donation for kids are R100 per person.
Cash donations can be paid directly into the Virtuosity Foundation bank account or at registration on the day. Some sort of donation is however required to secure your participation.
Bank account:
The Virtuosity Foundation
Cresta Branch (254905)
Wish List:
For the Gym:
· Boxing gloves
· Skipping ropes
· Water bottles
Operational items:
· Peanut butter
· Cleaning Materials
· Toilet paper
· Paper cups
· Plastic spoons
For the kids (ages 5 to 18)
· Hand wraps
· Mouth guards
· Water bottles
· Reading books
· Textbooks
· Ruled Workbooks
· Pens & pencils
Any additional donations welcome.
For further clarity on the Corporate Wish List and Comprehensive Wish List email either orders@virtuosity.co.za or fightwithinsightcmi@gmail.com
Event Location
Venue: Fight with Insight
Fight with Insight was established in the inner city of Johannesburg with the vision of creating a safe place for the children of Johannesburg, using boxing to teach them life skills that assist them in taking responsibility for claiming their rights. It provides a mindful boxing programme to children and youth at risk and, provides a follow-on intervention in the form of boxing classes for youth and children in conflict with the law. It also provides a life skills programme to those attending the programme and a mentorship programme for youth in need of opportunities to gain further education, employment skills and employment.